Welcome - A Place to "Un-Vent".

The purpose of this blog is to jot down all of life's blissful moments - happy thoughts, passions, inspirations, why your day went swell, things to be grateful for, random things that just make you feel justified, satisfied, confident...just darn great!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Crossing Paths

You will come across a billion people in your lifetime.

You will talk to maybe....10% of them.

But how many can you actually say you've created a relationship with?

My life...as I'm sure it has been for many of you...has been entwined within Kiwanis...and has been touched by a handful of selective faces.

To my graduating seniors -- you will ALWAYS be the reason that the 2006-2007 UC Berkeley CKI Board was as extraordinary has it could have ever been.

But most importantly, you will ALWAYS be a large part of who I am today.

I'm lucky. To have met each of you. To have developed friendships with you on all levels.

I'm grateful. That even until today we still can reminisce about yesterday. And dream about tomorrow.

I'm glad our paths have crossed, and I know they will continue to do so in the many years to come - no matter where you guys are - be it in person, gchat, phone, email, or even a simple facebook update/message. I look forward to seeing you all grow into the amazing and inspiring leaders I know you each have been empowered to become.

You know...just about a year ago I remember having a conversation with a good friend about "fate" and how if things are meant to be, they will be. That is, if our paths will cross again, then it will. So let it be.

However, after beating the topic around a bit, we came to the conclusion that...you know what? It's really WE who will MAKE our paths cross.

Luck will always indeed play a factor, but I strongly believe that determination and will power is what fuels the opportunity of that chance to even take place.

That is my belief.

And, gosh, you know. You never know who you're going to meet in your life time. And what impact they're going to have on your life, but I've learned that...if you go into meeting people with an open mind and open heart, I think you'll learn a lot about...everything...especially yourself...just by listening. Or...observing. It takes a bit of risk to make yourself vulnerable to opening up yourself to someone and letting someone open themselves up to you...but I can definitely say that this is a risk I'm willing to take for there could be nothing else more worthwhile.

Cheriz, Joe, Alex, Amy, James, Kathleen, Diep...man...I'm really gonna miss you guys. But hey -- please know that you all truly! really! make me proud and happy like no other.

The greatest service you can do in this life...is to touch someone's life.

So thank you...for touching mine.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Random note before I head out.


This is how we do it, it's Friday night!!!


Ok. Now that you've enjoy that old school goodness, let' us quickly debrief on the concept of going to bars, clubs, and happy hour in the eyes of the asian parent:

"You're never going to meet any one decent while drinking!" my parents like to tell me before I head out.

Au contra ire dear parental unit.

Studies have shown that those that venture out to happy hour tend to do successfully better than those that choose not to.

Why? Because at happy hour you have the opportunity to:
  • Network beyond office hours (you'll be surprised as to how much is discussed outside of "work" hours. I know this from CKI...your job/passion becomes 24/7 and you can't stop thinking and talking about what you do or plan 24/7).
  • Develop yourself socially, and therefore your people skills.
So, this is my own-going negotiation with my parents I just wanted to share with the world =).

Princess Sing Along!

Cinderella: So This is Love

Cinderella: A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

Hercules: I Won't Say I'm in Love

Sleeping Beauty: Once Upon A Dream

Beauty & the Beast: Something There

Aladdin: A Whole New World

The Lion King: Can You Feel the Love Tonight

Pochahontos: Color of the Wind

Sailormoon: My Only Love

<3 Cuteeeeee.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Insert Creative Title Here

Song of the Day: "Live High" ~ Jason Mraz

Live high, Live mighty.
Live righteously takin it easy
Live high, Live mighty.
Live righteously.

Journey to the City
38L - Geary to the 22-Filmore to the 14 - Ferry Plaz. Today I ventured through the city as mentioned yesterday dropping off resumes in person. Ironically, I didn't feel like SF was as receptive to me as LA...but nonetheless I'd like to think it was worth the effort making some face to face connections while getting to do some good ol' fashion site seeing on foot =).

Pretty darn spectacular things I saw today:
  • The 22-Filmore bus ride down Filmore to 18th and Mariposa: really neat urban area with lots of random, diverse shops.
  • Awesome view of the city/Bay Bridge on top of Portrero Hill (or...a random hill at the top of Portrero and 18th Ave.)
  • Random kitty cat sitting in a tree O_o...the cat ended up following me for a block. Very cute!
  • The compact office space of Adina. I ended up dropping off my resume with the CFO. That was pretty neat =).
  • Women's Resource Center which consits of some pretty awesome women empowerment organizations -- such as Girls On the Run and GirlVenture (I think this is the place where part of the scene in "Kaden" from LUNAFEST was filmed!)
  • The Landmark building on Market and Steurt Street near the Embacadero. OMG. This building is uber kewl!!! You know those scenes in movies where a bunch of business people are coming out of a building??? This place was it! Granted...it was near lunch time which I'm sure is the reason everyone was coming out all at once. (I'll dwell more about this later in this blog) .But man, 10 story high building. Del Monte Foods (the company I dropped my resume off at) was on the 10th floor and wow. Those offices. Really neat! *shakes head in awe*
  • The Sports Club of LA -- I didn't even know it existed in San Francisco. Lo and behold...there she was. Smack dab in the middle of Market.
All in all, yes, today was a good job hunting day =). Which brings me up to application/cover letter #37.

San Francisco vs. New York (Random comparison based on today's
There are a lot of similarities...
  • Big city
  • Lots of people
  • Business Center (SF - Market/Mission's Financial District. NY - Wall Street)
  • Diversity
  • Culture
  • Urban lifestyle
  • Hobos galore
  • Shopping!!!
  • Lots of things happening 24/7
  • Damn good food.
  • By a body of water/bridges.
  • SF's transportation is WAYYYYYYYYYYYY cleaner. Haha. Though...NY's substations are pretty darn efficient...time wise. Once you've figured them out.
  • NY has lots of hot dog stands and vendors....everywhere.
  • I think SF has way more asian people per square mile. Where as NY has way more...all races per square mile. I guess you could say NY is more diverse...perhaps because it's closer to the Atlantic Ocean...?
  • I think SF is more...chill. NY is like...super speedy. Everyone's constantly rushing everywhere.
I think I'd like to dwell in either places eventually =).

I Will Always Be in Awe of Business People
I've mentioned this a few times randomly to exclusive people, but I think I can share with the world now that...I have a fetish for business suits.

Why? Because I'm attracted to ambition.

Ambition inspires me. A desire to succeed in life or something in life or to develop a passion to the extreme is super dedication - and that's hot.

And business people tend to be the "icon" of ambition. Thus...this fetish.

Why do I say this? Because when I stepped into The Landmark today my mouth pretty much dropped in awe. All of those...people in suits.

There were alpha women...everywhere! Pencil skirts, blouses, neat/stylish hair in heels and briefcases. They embody...power! Success. Drive. Goals. A "I'm not going to take that shit" kinda attitude.

And that's where I hope to be in a few years...*hopeful glee*.

So here's the plan, aiiighhhttt?

  • Today: 23 years old.
  • 5 years from now: I'll be 28 years old and I'll be one of those amazing women walking out of those buildings. In heels heck yea. Doing what? A Director of Marketing of some sort of amazing place I can believe in of course!
  • 10 years from now: I'll be 33 years old and I'll be on the start to owning my own gym =).
And in between, enjoy life's every day wonders. Mwahahaha.

That's the plan.

It's gonna happen. You just watch.

I WILL make it happen.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I need to be up by 6am at the very least tomorrow.

But I can't really sleep.

There's a bunch of random mish mosh in my head. And I've got to much energy pent up to just knock out.

So, another posting shall do it I believe...=).

Driving Down to LA
I think I'm driving down to SoCal with Cheriz on Sunday. I mean...can't let her drive by herself...right?! I figured I haven't ventured out of the area in a while, so I think this will be good for me.

Not tooooo sure what I'm going to do once I get there, except see if that job I landed an interview for can interview me in person instead of over the phone. (Just emailed them a follow up today). Perhaps look at some potential places I can live. Raymundo says there are a bunch of random studios I can look at in Long Beach. That could be fun! Other than that...eat, visit friends, scout out for more jobs. Yea. That sounds about right.

Then I'll just utilize one of my rapid reward tickets to fly back up...eventually. It'll probably be a one week affair. Haha.

Career Progression
Spent the last two days completely reworking my resume -- I think it's much more polished now with lots of good feedback from the professionals (yes that could be you! So, thank you!).

Marked my itiniary for all the companies I'm going to visit tomorrow.

I researched all the "headquarters" located within San Francisco that I might potentially want to work at -- and I found 5 that really peaked my interest. So, tomorrow, I shall be knocking on their doors and impressing them with my...charismatic, optimistic, dedicated, hard working self. Bwahaha. Oh boy.

And because I'm carless, I've routed out my complete itiniary of SF buses and walks from my aunt's restaurant. Ohhhhh yea.

The plan tomorrow:
  • Hitch a ride with parents to SF.
  • Eat breakfast at aunt's restaurant.
  • Bus/walk it to places from 9am-12pm (gotta get them all before lunch!)
  • And hopefully I'll be done by 12 so I can spend the rest of the time just chillin in SF doing completely nothing =).
I think I'm gonna go do something about my hair tomorrow. Maybe do some good ol window shopping. Maybe drop by the bookstore. And continue with Harry Potter.

Yea. That sounds nice and productive. Haha...somehow I've digressed from "Career Progression".

All in all, I think...hope...I'm getting better leads. I can just FEEL like I'm getting warmer!


Oki. I think that's it for now.

Those are things to look forward to for now =).

And look! It worked! I'm ready for sleep! G'nite!

2 Random Gushy Feel Good Links

The Proposal - Trailer Looking forward to this movie =). w00t w00t. Chick flick!

Brighter Than Sunshine Sweet song <3...i style="font-style: italic;font-family:Verdana;font-size:180%;" >I never understood before
I never knew what love was for
My heart was broke, my head was sore
What a feeling

Tied up in ancient history
I didnt believe in destiny
I look up you're standing next to me
What a feeling

What a feeling in my soul
Love burns brighter than sunshine
Brighter than sunshine
Let the rain fall, i don't care
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine
Suddenly you're mine
And it's brighter than sunshine

I never saw it happening
I'd given up and given in
I just couldn't take the hurt again
What a feeling

I didn't have the strength to fight
Suddenly you seemed so right
Me and you
What a feeling

What a feeling in my soul
Love burns brighter than sunshine
It's brighter than sunshine
Let the rain fall, I don't care
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine
Suddenly you're mine

It's brighter than the sun
It's brighter than the sun
It's brighter than the sun, sun, shine.

Love will remain a mystery
But give me your hand and you will see
Your heart is keeping time with me

What a feeling in my soul
Love burns brighter than sunshine
It's brighter than sunshine
Let the rain fall, I don't care
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine
Suddenly you're mine

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday's Toppings

Public Transportation:
When you don't have a car, life slows down A LOT. I mean... I haven't been truly car-less for the last 5-6 years, and I can definitely say that in a car, you're constantly on the go. Rushing from one place to the next. Get in. Ignition. Windows down. Windows up. Freeway. Hit it. And I for one have always lived in the "fast lane" so to speak.

And in the last 2 weeks with Stella no longer in order, I've oh so graciously pawned rides off people, biked, taken Caltrain, BART, bus, walked, anddddd hitched a motorcycle ride.

And I want to say that all of this is testing my patience (I'm a very impatient person if you hadn't realized that yet...). But, I'm learning. I think. And perhaps it's nature's way of saying...for once...stop rushing by everything in your life and enjoy the ride.

Plus, you can say I'm being more environmentally friendly, yes? Heh.

I'm officialy a Kiwanian.
Along with Cajita, Alex, Amy, and James -- I was inducted as a true blue Berkeley Kiwanian today. As each person got up to give their intro speeches, I turned to Tony and was like "uh...I have no idea what I'm going to say...". And then finally...when I got up there, and correct me if I'm wrong...but I think I said something along the line of "I don't know what I'm going to say. I think I'm just going to cry." And I did. Amongst the many things I rambled on about.

I...am a sap. I wear my heart on my sleeve whether you like it or not. Actually, I am a strong believer that if you care intensely about something...why hide it? It's a beautiful feeling...you know...when you say you care.

Ok. Haha. Beyond that. Part of me wants to talk about my entire experience within the Kiwanis Family...but that's totally old news and most of you have already heard many versions. Plus that would only go on and on and on for decades and you'd probably want to gouge your eyes out by the 3rd paragraph...so...I'll leave it at this:

Learning how to be a "leader" through Key Club and CKI...the last...what? 9 years...? Has taught me how to be committed and most important to me - passionate. To live...and breathe...for a cause. To do things with heart.

I know it sounds like a bunch of fluff...but, why do anything without passion? A sense of purpose?

Kiwanis has taught me this. It has shaped my life. And I am proud =).

Red Velvet Cake
Moist...sweet...delicious. That is all on that topic. Mmm! Mmm!

Beautiful Night
I hope you all had the chance to look up at the sky this evening. Clear and endless. Stars twinkly. Slivered silver moon as bright as can be. With a slight cool breeze caressing your cheek...simply taking your breath away...and reminding you that...yes...you are alive!

Oh K =)

Oh. Hahaha. I didn't know that by inviting people to this blog meant they could write on it...?! O_o.

SWEET! More happiness for all to input in then =).

So, yea...with the power vested in me, I now pronounce this blog a vision for anyone to share their source of random joys in life - be it personal life philosophies or...things that make you smile and just darn tootin' happy.

Have fun!


PS: I'm overjoyed to see 11 contributors of sorts already. That's tight. For realz yo.

How to Be Happy!

How to Be Happy


What is Happiness and How can we cultivate it? Even the word happy can seem like an abstract term meaning different things to different people, but rising interest in the subject by social scientists has generated research based findings that now can be parlayed into practical action.

Here, we boil down the experience to get some solid advice which can make us all a little bit happier.

Step 1 – Be a Do-Gooder
Researchers caution against mistaking pleasure for happiness – pleasure is based on external factors leaving you wanting more, more, more… Happiness, however, is influenced less directly, even by putting off your own pleasure for the good of someone else. People who do selfless acts of kindness, whether by helping at a shelter or just helping out a friend, raised their reported level of happiness

“Good deeds and generosity increase happiness”

Step 2 – Don’t Sweat Decisions
The longer the choice is debated the less happy the decider is with the outcome. Whether it’s what to eat or where to live, first set your standards, factors most important to you, then take the first option that meets them.
“Having too many choices increases stress”

Step 3 – Spend Well
If you’re going to splurge, do it on an experience you’ll remember, not goods or gadgets. Research indicates that people often regret purchasing an expensive item, but tend not to regret money spent on experiences such as dining and travel.

Step 4 – Aim High…But Not That High
Those at the pinnacle of financial success don’t report significantly higher levels of happiness than the average joe. Ask yourself if that overtime is really worth it.

“Those on the Forbes 100 list are not much happier than average”

Step 5 – Be a Joiner
Whether it’s a church, synagogue, or street dance crew; being a part of a defined community group raises happiness levels.

Step 6 – Stop Dwelling
Leading psychologist, Sonya Liubamurski, has found the happiest people don’t dwell on negative or ambiguous events. Furthermore, excessive introspection may sap your mental resources making it harder for positive changes to occur. So turn off that Morrissey record and go outside.

Step 7 – Be Grateful
Several professors and scholars in this field instruct students to keep a regular journal of what they’re thankful for. The results indicate that gratitude reliably increases happiness. Who knew that those greeting cards telling us to “count our blessings” were right?

“Being grateful cultivates feelings of abundance”

This concludes videojug’s guide to research-based happiness... it has to work, it’s science!

Thanks for watching and have a thrifty, community-focused, non-introspective day!

Done! :D

Monday, May 25, 2009

Second Post!

I don't know if I'm actually going to contribute to this blog because I really don't know what to say, lol. But I'll try!

This Blog - My Guide to Living a Happier Life

I am starting this blog for 2 particular reasons:

1. To serve as an outlet of things to be grateful for in my life - a place where I shall record my daily inspirations, loves, passions, happiness, and life's blissful moments.

2. To make money. Bwahahaha. AdSense! Can't get more positive than that, right?! Bwahaha.

So, here are my happy rantings for today!

By 2010, in order to up the excitement in my life, I shall (ideally):

  • Move to Los Angeles/SoCal (if I've yet to be hired else where).
  • I will reduce my debt by 2/3.
  • Learn to ride and purchase a motorcycle
  • Run, bike, and play tennis as often as possible
  • Say "no" less.
  • Complain less, do more.
  • Hang out with my favorite people as much as possible.
  • Find a job that I can be passionate about.
  • Get enough beauty sleep to feel good and do all of the above over and over and over again the next day and days to follow :).

Roland Garros - The French Opens.
Roger Federer is going to win. Just letting you know now :)

And I just realized that my house is subscribed to the Tennis Channel! How cool is that?! Which means...live tennis starting at 8am everyday!

Women's Single Finals on Saturday, June 6th. 6am-9am (Pacific Time)
Men's Single Finals on Sunday, June 7th. 6am-11am. (Pacific Time)

Happy Birthday Joe Lee
Just planned a facebook event for Joe's 22nd Birthday :). Yay. Hopefully people are around to celebrate!

Yes, and this is all for now...

Goodnight! (Did I earn a penny yet?)